2016 Food Shower

2016 Food Shower

At this time every year, we see an example of 2 Corinthians 5:7 in our very own offices in Michigan and Indiana. We go through and clean the empty storage room where we store our food shower donations.

If we were walking by sight, we might feel anxious about the emptiness of the room. Sight would compel us to wonder how these shelves will fill up again this year.

Sight would ask how there will be enough food to serve thousands of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to the children in our care. 

Because we walk by faith, we know that each year God’s people give so generously that food will fill the pantry shelves, kitchen cupboards, and dinner tables.

Thank you for the many gifts you have given to Baptist Children’s Home.

 Would you please give to our Food Shower again? Your faithful gifts provide the resources that our houseparents need to care for our children every day. Your ministry to our families makes an impact each day, and we are so grateful for your help.


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